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Friday, November 20, 2009

Life at 4

Noelle's 4th birthday was not only fun, but quite unforgettable!

We started the day with a mad dash to the a morning show of Alice in Wonderland at the Stahl Family Theater.

Once the performance was over and the actors had taken they're bow, Alice surprised us all by announcing that it was Noelle's birthday. She called her to the stage and everyone in the auditorium sang Happy Birthday to her!

Poor thing. You should have seen her face. The girl was in a state of pure shock!

Here is a picture of her and Bella with some of the actors.

After the performance, we went to Dunkin Donuts for munchkins and iced coffee (because what would be a birthday without iced coffee?)

Later, we stopped at Target (because what would be a birthday without a trip to Target?)

In the evening, we had cake, ice cream, and the birthday girl opened her gifts.

Before she went to bed I said to her, "The Lord really blessed you, huh?"

She replied, "Yeah, I got everything I always wanted."

Ah, life at simple, yet so extraordinary.


  1. How sweet!
    May your little one have a wonderful Birthday and many, many more.

    Children are incredible blessings.
    What a great age 4 is.

    Happy Thanksgiving,
    d from homehaven

  2. Happy Birthday, Noelle! And yes, iced coffee and Target would be great things on any birthday!
    Your kiddos are gorgeous. :)

  3. Oh my goodness, Noelle! Happy birthday you beautiful little girl. You look a lot like your mama. I remember meeting you when I came over to visit your mom and dad at their apartment in Evanston right after you were born. Now you're 4 years old (!) and have a baby sister and brother. You are lucky to have such great parents. What a great day you had, too! Happy, happy birthday, sweet girl!

  4. That is so awesome! I want a birthday like that!!!!

    And what a sweet example at age 4 to all. What a living doll Noelle is!


  5. glad her birthday was wonderful!!


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