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Thursday, April 23, 2009

On Motherhood

My answers are in italics.

1. You know you're a mother when ______? hear yourself calling your child by their first, middle, and last name. "Noelle Danae Hutchinson! I said stop!"

2. Why didn't anybody tell me _______ about motherhood?
...about all of the pregnancy and postpartum woes you can experience: constipation, hemorrhoids, cracked nipples etc.

3. Being a mother has caused me to_________?

... be less selfish and more compassionate toward others.

4. Some helpful motherhood advice I've received has been _______? always follow through on my word with my children. 

5. Advice you'd give to a new mother?

Remember: It ain't easy, but its worth it!

How would you answer these questions?


  1. 1. You know you're a mother when...
    you casually use the words: poop, nipple, or vomit in a conversation.

    2. Why didn't anybody tell me about...all the joys of... motherhood?

    3. Being a mother has caused me to...learn to function with less sleep.

    4. Some helpful motherhood advice I've received has been...sleep when baby sleeps

    5. Advice you'd give to a new mother? keep a journal, because you WILL forget!

  2. 1.The sound of your children calling you Mommy or Momma!
    2.The hospital trip is much more than squeezing your husband's hand while in labor, & THe pushing of the SORE stomach to make sure the uterus is shrinking.
    3.Be more patient, and more stern.
    4.Even though you are tempted to do baby talk, speak english, it helps the baby to develop vocab and understanding faster.
    5.When practicing disipline, don't be quick to spank or put child in the corner, be patient
    and redirect their focus for a while.

  3. 1. You know you're a mother when ______?
    You catch yourself licking your finger and using it to wipe something off your kids' face - and thinking nothing of it.

    2. Why didn't anybody tell me _______ about motherhood?
    how passionate I would become about things relating to my kids (although, I'm totally with you on the physical side effects of childbirth..) :)

    3. Being a mother has caused me to _______?
    become very aware of other parents around me - regardless of what stage of parenthood they are in.

    4. Some helpful motherhood advice I've received has been _______?
    to breastfeed - it has totally been worth it and so enjoyable for me.

    5. Advice you'd give to a new mother?
    You are the greatest expert about your children - don't fret too much if things don't look just like they do in the What to Expect books.

  4. Tiffany-

    You are so right about that journal writing! I have been meaning to start keeping track of things for each child, so we can all look back and remember what they were like during these times.

  5. Yeah Janaiya,

    I wish someone had warned me about that pushing on the abdomen after having the baby painful.

  6. Katie,

    LOL! I promised I would never lick my finger and clean my kids face! I thought it was so gross. Now, I don't think twice about doing it!

  7. Oh this is cute!!! I was never told really about how um, gross the beginning of having a baby can be after the water breaks!! It kind of freaked me out, to say the least ;o)

    This was a really cute post!!


Your ideas, questions, and comments are welcome!